Monday, November 16, 2009


So considering it’s the fall, the student council held its annual Halloween Party the other day. Everyone came dressed up in a costume, there was pizza and drinks and it was a lot of fun, Thanks to the Student Council!!! Aside from that, last Friday the Business club offered a trip to go on a tour of the Mahou Brewery in Guadalajara, Spain. This company is the largest producer in Spain and Europe. The factory was incredible because you were able to see exactly how things are done. We were able to walk on the overpasses in the bottling room and could see how the machines bottle and package the product. We also received a gift package upon leaving which contained some Mahou glasses; I would defiantly recommend this tour to everyone! On top of everything else that was going on I had a friend come and visit for about one week and during that week we went to several places around Madrid, the community, but I’ll tell you guys about that another time.

¡Hasta Luego!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Arabic Breakfast....for Dinner???

Hey Guys so the other night my roommate and his sister made us a traditional Arabic breakfast for dinner. It was very very tasty as well as something that I had never eaten before. In my apartment my three roommates and I are all from different areas of the world so we are able to learn about different cultures in our own home. The food was delicious as you can see in the picture I uploaded for you. I hope that you all have the same experience I did by meeting people from all over the world!

¡Hasta Luego!

Are you Hungary???????

If I had to recommend anywhere in Europe to take a weekend trip it would be Hungary. A few weeks ago one of my friends and I traveled to Budapest and we had a blast! The city is full of architecture and culture that, in my opinion seemed to be a mix of Easter and Western European customs. Whether you are sitting at a café, looking at the royal palace, parliament building, or even taking a walk through one of the several parks scattered all throughout the city it is defiantly a place to visit. The food was amazing!!! Goulash & Paprika are key elements to Hungarian foods and now I understand why…they are delicious! Although we were only there for a short time we were able to spend time in both Buda and Pest. As you might not know, Budapest is parted by a river that divides the city into Buda and Pest. Buda is more of a historical section of town, mainly located on a hill (which by the way you are able to see a breathtaking view of the city). As well as Pest on the other side of the river which is a more upcoming city, filled with students and modern areas. Both sections are filled with markets and restaurants that are not too expensive. Can’t wait until our Halloween Party in the next few weeks!!!

¡Hasta Luego!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Galicia….that’s it!! What an incredible place to visit. The first school trip was to Galicia, in northern Spain just above Portugal. This area has a large Celtic history and is full of fish! Aside from the buildings being architecturally stunning, the food was incredible too. We stayed in Santiago de Compostela, where every year there are several people who partake in the pilgrimage there, which was nice to see. Also while there we tried one of Galicia’s famous dishes..Pulpo a la gallega, which is Octopus!! I never thought that I would eat Octopus, considering that I don’t usually eat fish, but I decided to try it and it was delicioso!!! One of the days we traveled down to southern Galicia to Vigo a big port city, where we caught a ferry that brought us to the Islas Cíes a nice Island off the coast of Galicia where we were able to go hiking, swimming, or simply sun bathe. This by far was one of my favorite trips that I have gone on and I can’t wait to return so that I can explore more of what Galicia has to offer.

¡Hasta Luego!

Astronomy Trip

The Astronomy class has once again gone to Tenerife, Canary Islands to spend just about a week looking at the stars… My roommate and I were on the trip and it was an incredible time! Although we lost about 2 nights due to bad weather we were still able to see a ton of things. This group was so dynamic and worked extremely well together and because of these efforts we were able to discover (as far as these trips are concerned) the planets of Neptune, for the 3rd time ever, as well as Uranus for the 1st time ever!!!! It was such an incredible feeling throughout the class because it helped us really understand what we were learning about. Professor Raul de la Fuente Marcos came along with us, as usual and on top of that, this year we had a special guest…Dr. W. Johnson, Chair of the Physics Department for Suffolk. I honestly believe that we all had a fabulous time and learned quite a bit of information…now to get the log reports done…..

¡Hasta Luego!


Wow how time is flying by…it seems like the semester just started and it’s already October. First off, my apologies for the long delay, I’ve been so busy that I completely forgot to publish all of my writing…
This year for our Orientation trip we went to Salamanca again, considering that we had already been there, some of the returning students feared that it was going to be boring and quite repetitive, however the campus outdid themselves and added a bunch of new activities. What I felt, as well as most, is that the activities this semester were more orientation-like giving us the opportunity to meet new people quickly. We also made some historic visits throughout the city, visiting the cathedral, the Universidad de Salamanca (the oldest university in Spain), as well as had a walking tour around the quaint city of Salamanca. One day trip was to a farm where we were able to ride horses, go swimming in the pool and learn a little bit about Bull Fighting. All in all I think the trip went quite smoothly and I can’t wait to see what the Spring Orientation brings us.

¡Hasta Luego!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Back in Action

So being a Student Ambassador we are already back on campus to help with the final preparations before arrival day on Wednesday. The campus is looking amazing…especially with the new renovations!! It’s so nice to be back in Madrid at this time because the weather is incredible..HOT in the day and Cool at night..basically the perfect atmosphere. Recently I moved into my apartment with 2 of my flat mates..Natalie & Fares, both ambassadors as well and we have had such a fun time getting to know each other more and more as the days go on. Today we decided to clean up a bit to try and make the apartment our own. We hung up some fotos from last year on our fridge so that we will remember all of the great people that we were able to meet last year, as well as left some space for the new memories that we are to make this year. Tomorrow Natalie and I are planning to go to the park for a picnic and to play some Frisbee…just a little relaxing before the semester begins! I hope everyone has a safe journey over to Madrid and we cannot wait to meet everyone on Wednesday!

¡Hasta Luego!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Summer Update

Wow how long it has been...First of all does everyone like the new layout? Secondly I would like to apologize for the lack of posts over the summer; I've just been so busy. I guess I'll back track a bit and start with when I came home in May. I started with two summer classes, both Government classes taught by Professor Conley. One was an Introduction to American Democracy (GOVT 110) which was a nice transition into the Government track that I have been looking into. Then I also took a Research Methodology class (GOVT 120) where we would look into various surveys and then we would analyze all of the data relating it to current situations. Any who the two classes were incredible and I recommend anyone to take them. While the classes were going on I was working as usual for the summer months to save some money for the school year. I was able to spend some time visiting with friends but considering that I was only home for 3 months, I feel as if it flew by. I also took a weeklong trip to Los Angeles, California with two friends of mine. While there, we explored Hollywood and the Greater Los Angeles area. We had an incredible time and considering that I had never been on the west coast I was able to swim in the Pacific Ocean which was so nice, considering how much I travel. after that I was home for a while and worked a bunch more, then I went to New York City with some other friends, which is something that I try to do every time I am home, considering how close I live to the city, a mere 4 hour bus ride. New York was amazing as well my friends and I saw two different musicals...Next to Normal and Shrek the Musical. Both of them were up for different areas in the Tony Awards and ended up to be two of the greatest musicals I've ever seen. After New York I just work a bit more at home and tried to spend some time with my family before I needed to head out again. My family and I ended up going to Maine for a few days to relax on the beach and then when I got home I packed up all of my things and traveled over to Ireland to visit with another friend of mine on the way to Spain. I am currently in Ireland on my way to Madrid because I will need to start the preparations for Orientation this upcoming Tuesday. That's all I have for you guys now, but be sure to keep checking back as I will be updating on a regular schedule from now on.

¡Hasta Luego!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

End of the Semester...

Hey Guys,
Sorry for the long delay, it has been very hectic with finals, the closing ceremony, traveling back to the states, and starting my summer classes and work again! Anyways the closing ceremony was held at San Pablo CEU and everyone got an acknowledgment for having studied at the campus, whether you were there one semester or four semesters. Then we all traveled on buses to a nice place in Galapagar (a city just north of Madrid) where we had a very nice dinner and dance. It was a nice way to get to see everyone one last time before we all parted our separate ways for the summer. Then I packed up all of my things and traveled home. Upon arrival it was nice to see my family again because I hadn't seen them for a few months. I started work again and also am taking two classes at the Suffolk Boston campus which is nice so that I can get use to the campus and start to know my way around for when I decide to return to finish my studies. I hope all is well with you and that you have a great summer!
Talk to you soon, but for now..
Hasta Luego!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Three Days of Classes

I know that’s soo strange, but its true there are only THREE days of classes left in the semester before Final Exams start. On top of that I have picked my classes for the Fall semester and I can’t wait. Other than that I am on the bus to go to San Sebastián & Bilbao with the school for the weekend…but I will tell you more about that later on…I can’t wait until the final end of the year reception and dance because it will be a nice way to spend the last time together with everyone from the semester…but let’s focus on San Sebastián and I’ll let you know more as the semester progresses!

¡Hasta Luego!

Suffolk to the Stars

OurAstronomy class has returned from the Canary Islands where we had our Lab. We arrived home late last night after an intense week on the Island of Tenerife where we were using the Mons Telescope in the Teide Observatory. The students stayed awake all night long in the observatory so that we were able to be astronomers and see the stars. While looking at the night sky you were able to see thousands of stars where in Madrid you are only able to see about one hundred or so. Traveling to this volcanic island was one of the best experiences of my life and I cannot wait until I can take Astronomy again. We were able to work together to compile all of the knowledge that we had learned to accomplish a lot. Our class was able to locate things that no other Suffolk Astronomy class was able to do before. I can’t wait to show you pictures, but we are still processing them so when they are available I will be sure to post them up! Having observed all night long, we would sleep all day…or at least that was the idea…instead of that we once traveled to the volcano where we climbed to the top walking by lava flows, lizards, and hot rocks. Another day we traveled to see some ancient pyramids that were from an ancient culture. Finally when we were not traveling around the island, as well as when we should be catching our sleep, we would go to the beach and relax. We spent most of our sleeping time on the only white sand beach on the island. There were cliffs that were made of volcanic rock that were jetting into the water which was quite interesting for me. The weather on the island tended to change a bit no matter what time it was which was actually nice. Professor de la Fuente Marcos was incredible and I think that we were able to show him that we had learned a lot from the class and how much enthusiasm that we had during the trip really made it easier for us to locate things in the sky and work together being under such pressure to locate things by the time the lab was over. All in all, the trip was incredible and one of the best experiences I have had in my life. I highly recommend the class to EVERYONE and cannot wait until the Fall semester begins so that I can take the second Astronomy class.

¡Hasta Luego!

Ping Pong

Yes that’s right we now have a Ping Pong table at the campus which students are able to use! I think that it’s very nice how the campus has things that students are able to do in between classes because sometimes you do not want to travel home over your class breaks and now we have yet another thing we can do. Although it is just about the end of the semester I cannot wait to try out the table so that perhaps we will all become a little less stressed now that the year is winding down and everyone is getting ready to travel back home. On top of all of this I have to get ready for my Astronomy Lab to the Canary Islands on Sunday…but I’ll tell you more about that is a while…

¡Hasta Luego!

Semana Santa

Wow how time is flying by! Sorry I have been away for a while, but I am back in action for the rest of the semester and cannot wait to tell you all about the past few weeks! First off lets jump back to the beginning of April…Semana Santa (Holy Week – Spring Break) where I traveled outside of the city with two of my good friends, Alyson & Simon. Together we traveled to Palma Mallorca for a few days; there we spent some time on the beach as well as exploring the island. We were able to experience a different part of Spanish culture which was good because it showed us that not all parts of the country felt the same way about certain things. While on the island we rented scooters, quads, and dune buggies and were able to travel a little bit around the island where we visited, Cali Pi, a nice little town on the South East side of the island. In Cali Pi there was a beautiful cove and spectacular views. Then after Palma Mallorca, we traveled on to Hamburg, Germany. This was a nice experience because it was the first time that all of us had traveled there before. Upon arrival we immediately got hold of the culture and had a blast. Out of all of the places that we traveled to on Spring Break; Hamburg was our favorite by far! Near our hotel there was a carnival which we spent some time at so that we could have some fun, but after that we traveled to various parts of the city so that we could see as much as we could. Hamburg was filled with statues to coincide with its incredible history. There were ruins from World War II all around the city, which nowadays are used as memorials for those people who have lost their lives during the war. We took a walking tour of the city and saw how huge of a port city Hamburg was as well as its historic buildings that are still standing today. After Hamburg we traveled to Stockholm, Sweden. This was incredible considering that it was the farthest north that we had ever been. The temperature was amazing and the city was very quaint because it was situated on several different canals. In Stockholm they use a currency other than the Euro so we were able to have that experience as well. While there we saw the Royal Palace, Town Hall (the building where the annual Nobel Peace Prize Banquette is held), Museums, and the old part of the city. Finally after Stockholm we traveled to Milan, Italy where we were able to spend Easter. The city was on the small side, yet it was filled with sites to see such as: Il Duomo (an enormous cathedral), the castle, the last supper (a painting), as well as the centralized areas of the city. Although almost all shops were closed because of the Easter holiday we still had a great time and enjoyed it a lot.

¡Hasta Luego!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring Break!!!

First off this past weekend I traveled to Holland & Belgium and they were both AMAZING! I had a lot of fun indulging in the culture of both historic places (especially all the free chocolate samples) and enjoyed traveling with two good friends of mine, Simon and Natalie. Now I’m trying to finish up some last minute projects so that this week I will be able to relax on Spring Break…or Semana Santa as the Spaniards like to call it. For Spring Break I’m traveling with a few friends to Palma Mallorca (an Island off the coast of Spain); Hamburg, Germany; Stockholm, Sweden; and Milan, Italy…I’m soooo excited! On another note, I am still trying to decide which classes I would like to take in the fall. There are too many decisions for my Spanish major and I still don’t know how I want to approach that…but hopefully with time I will be able to figure something out. I’m also trying to look at some language schools here in Madrid to see if a friend as well as myself can take some classes in another language for fun and so that we have something nice to do. Way too many decisions to make right know…but at least we have SPRING BREAK!!!!! Talk to you soon!

¡Hasta Luego!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bake Sale

It’s so strange how time is passing by, it seems like there is hardly any time let in the semester! The Astronomy class is observing from the Canary Islands and the Student Council is having another Bake Sale. The Astronomy class traveled to Tenerife one of the Islands that is part of the Canary Islands just off the coast of Africa so that they will be able to use Europe’s largest land telescope for their lab requirement. While there the students will make several visits to see various parts of the island as well as use their newly acquired astronomy skills to try and discover what is above them in the universe! The Student Council held another bake Sale today to help raise more money for the end of the year Spring Fling dance that will be held after the graduation ceremony in May. It makes me sad when thinking about all of the friends I have met over these past few months and the fact that I have to leave them from the summer. Although I cannot wait until we are back in the fall to start off fresh again!! But I have to go catch a flight to Brussels so I’ll talk to you later!!

¡Hasta Luego!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

El Rastro

Today to take advantage of the nice weather, my friend Amanda and I went to the Rastro. El Rastro is a huge open air market where many different people gather together to see various items such as bags, scarves, food, and various other items. In my opinion it is a staple to Madrid’s culture because you are able to find some great things at a very low price. El rastro is every Sunday, rain or shine usually between 10 – 2 in the morning. After we bought some presents, we decided to walk around because it was about 60oF today. We walked all over the place from la Puerta del Sol, Plaza Mayor, Cibeles, and all around making a huge circle. It was nice to finally get out of the house and enjoy Madrid again, after Mid-Terms were last week. I can’t believe how fast time if going by yet again! I feel like we just arrived and now we’re halfway done…I guess I’ll have to start picking classes for the Fall semester and enjoy the rest of the semester!

¡Hasta Luego!

La Alhambra

The second trip of the semester was to Granada, a very well preserved town in Andalucía. There we saw some flamenco dancing as well as La Alhambra, basically a town inside of Granada that was used during battle times in case the city was under attack so that the royal family would be safe. There was a beautiful view of the Sierra Nevada or “Snowy Mountain” which has the highest peak on mainland Spain, and all throughout the city you were able to see this picturesque view. Granada has a large Moorish influence on it because for hundreds of years it was under Moorish control and it was nice to see the different ways that things were converted to be Christian after the city was taken back by the Catholic Kings. The tombs of Ferdinand and Isabel are also located in Granada with their daughter, Juana, and grandson, making Granada the burial place of the royal family until on king decided to build El Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial which is the current burial place for the Royal Family. We also had the opportunity to eat at a Moroccan restaurant to experience another culture as well and it was delicious. I feel that Andalucía has a lot to offer and I would really enjoy going back again!

¡Hasta Luego!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Hey everyone, sorry it has been soooooo long! It has been very hectic here on campus with the Granada trip, presentations & Midterms! I can’t believe how time if flying by…it seems like we just arrived to Madrid and now we are already half way through the semester. The weather has been getting gradually better since mid February and that definitely helps make Madrid a nice place to study (compared to the rough winters of Boston, where I am from). Well I have to go finish studying for my Spanish midterm but I have more to post this weekend…so keep checking!

¡Hasta Luego!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Last weekend my friends and I traveled to Morocco, that’s right, AFRICA! The experience was incredible because none of us had ever been there before so it was a definite learning experience for everyone. We rented an apartment in the city of Tangier because we figured that it would be easier to do things ourselves and when we arrived to the apartment it was completely furnished and decorated in traditional Moroccan & Arabic style. Although this is not exactly what we were expecting we did enjoy it a lot because it was something that you don’t see every day. The first day we all had some major culture shock going on because there were so many thing that were different never mind the major language barrier! In Morocco the two main languages are Arabic and French, however many people in Tangier do have some knowledge of Spanish. Getting back to the trip, we went to the beach so that we could get a feel of where things were located and by the time we finally found it, it was getting dark outside so we decided that we should probably get some water and food for the morning. After we did that we took a taxi back to the apartment, which was also another experience because in Morocco the taxis do not have meters so you need to make sure that you and the taxi driver both agree on a price before you get in the taxi otherwise you might have to pay a lot. The next day we went back to the beach, because that is where the majority of the things were located, and while we were there we decided that we would like to ride a camel (as you can see in the picture) it only cost 50 Dirham which was about 5 Euro, so how could we pass that up? While walking around the beach on our camel you can look out towards the strait of Gibraltar and across the sea you are able to see Spain! Then we walked up some streets to get some touristic things, although we could not find that many, we were able to get some post cards and things like that. After all of the walking we were quite hungry so we decided to stop and get some pizza because we did not want to waste any time so that we could get back to the beach! Although the weather was not warm enough to go swimming, it was hot enough to be on the beach and try to get some sun, we even got burned a little! We walked all over the place looking at different parts of the city and were exhausted once again so we decided to call it a night. The final day we woke up and had to pack up everything and make sure that we cleaned the apartment a little bit. Then we went to the beach one more time to just take in the view one more time and then we had to get to the airport to travel back to Madrid. I thought the trip went very well and I cannot wait to go back and visit Africa again!

¡Hasta Luego!

Can Punyetes Taverna ~ Señora's Birthday!

Hi Guys, sorry it has been so long, I’ve just been caught up with traveling, classes and projects, but I did want to tell you that a few weeks ago I went out with my host señora and her family because she was celebrating her birthday! We went to a very nice restaurant near the Palacio Real called, Can Punyetes Taverna, which had amazing food! It was one of the best experiences that I have had here because I was truly able to be a part of a Spanish family and it was nice to learn some of the popular traditions amongst them. During the meal we all had a delicious piece of steak with potatoes on the side. For an appetizer or “tapas” we had some toasted bread with alioli sauce to spread over the top, it was homemade and tasted very good. After the meal we all enjoyed a nice piece of cake followed by coffee at one of the more famous coffee shops in Madrid, “Café del Oriente,” it was a very old, preserved building overlooking the Palacio Real so it was a beautiful view while drinking their delicious coffee. I have to say that it was nice to get to know my señora a little better and see what her family was like, as well as participate in her birthday celebration. You should definitely go check out that restaurant because the service was amazing!

¡Hasta Luego!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Wow how time is flying! I can not believe that we are already back in Madrid and classes are starting. Almost everyone arrived on the twelfth and since then we have been scrambling around getting ready for school. Last weekend the school traveled down to Andalucía to have our orientation trip where, once again, we were all able to meet new students (or even returning ones that we did not know previously) while on the trip we were also able to meet with the wonderful staff who actually make the trip an unforgettable experience! Getting back to the trip, we departed Madrid on Friday morning and started our journey to Sevilla (the capital of Andalucía), but on our journey down there we made a few pit stops. One in Baños de la Encima, a nice little town on a mountain where we were able to eat lunch while at the same time take in the picturesque view of the mountains, river as well as a well preserved castle surrounded by horses. After that we continued our journey to Sevilla making one more stop in Córdoba, the home of the famous Moorish Mezquita! Surrounded by orange trees and the Guadalquivir River we were really able to see how, at one time, people from different religions were able to share and pray together in once place. The first night we were in Sevilla we went to see a live flamenco show which really made us understand about la cultura de Andalucía. Although Sevilla was the focal point of our trip we were able to make a few day tips as well. One was to a farm in Cortijo where we learned how horses are trained to be in shows as well as a little bit about bull fighting. The second day we took a trip to Jerez de la Frontera and toured the bodega (winery) of Tio Pepe brand. We saw how they grow, make and store their world renowned Sherry and then we were able to relax for a while there and see a flamenco show with horses. Then finally on the last day we had a few hours on our own time to go and explor the city, so my friends and I decided to visit the Moorish Alcazar as well as the Catheral, but when we were walking there we saw some horse and carriages and decided to hop on board. The carriage took us around the entire city and the driver was a tour guide so we were able to see everything that the city had to offer. I honestly can not wait to go back to Sevilla! With the orange trees, nice weather and richness of culture it is definitely a “must see” spot in Spain!

¡Hasta Luego!