Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Can Punyetes Taverna ~ Señora's Birthday!

Hi Guys, sorry it has been so long, I’ve just been caught up with traveling, classes and projects, but I did want to tell you that a few weeks ago I went out with my host señora and her family because she was celebrating her birthday! We went to a very nice restaurant near the Palacio Real called, Can Punyetes Taverna, which had amazing food! It was one of the best experiences that I have had here because I was truly able to be a part of a Spanish family and it was nice to learn some of the popular traditions amongst them. During the meal we all had a delicious piece of steak with potatoes on the side. For an appetizer or “tapas” we had some toasted bread with alioli sauce to spread over the top, it was homemade and tasted very good. After the meal we all enjoyed a nice piece of cake followed by coffee at one of the more famous coffee shops in Madrid, “Café del Oriente,” it was a very old, preserved building overlooking the Palacio Real so it was a beautiful view while drinking their delicious coffee. I have to say that it was nice to get to know my señora a little better and see what her family was like, as well as participate in her birthday celebration. You should definitely go check out that restaurant because the service was amazing!

¡Hasta Luego!

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