Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bake Sale

It’s so strange how time is passing by, it seems like there is hardly any time let in the semester! The Astronomy class is observing from the Canary Islands and the Student Council is having another Bake Sale. The Astronomy class traveled to Tenerife one of the Islands that is part of the Canary Islands just off the coast of Africa so that they will be able to use Europe’s largest land telescope for their lab requirement. While there the students will make several visits to see various parts of the island as well as use their newly acquired astronomy skills to try and discover what is above them in the universe! The Student Council held another bake Sale today to help raise more money for the end of the year Spring Fling dance that will be held after the graduation ceremony in May. It makes me sad when thinking about all of the friends I have met over these past few months and the fact that I have to leave them from the summer. Although I cannot wait until we are back in the fall to start off fresh again!! But I have to go catch a flight to Brussels so I’ll talk to you later!!

¡Hasta Luego!

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