Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Galicia….that’s it!! What an incredible place to visit. The first school trip was to Galicia, in northern Spain just above Portugal. This area has a large Celtic history and is full of fish! Aside from the buildings being architecturally stunning, the food was incredible too. We stayed in Santiago de Compostela, where every year there are several people who partake in the pilgrimage there, which was nice to see. Also while there we tried one of Galicia’s famous dishes..Pulpo a la gallega, which is Octopus!! I never thought that I would eat Octopus, considering that I don’t usually eat fish, but I decided to try it and it was delicioso!!! One of the days we traveled down to southern Galicia to Vigo a big port city, where we caught a ferry that brought us to the Islas Cíes a nice Island off the coast of Galicia where we were able to go hiking, swimming, or simply sun bathe. This by far was one of my favorite trips that I have gone on and I can’t wait to return so that I can explore more of what Galicia has to offer.

¡Hasta Luego!

Astronomy Trip

The Astronomy class has once again gone to Tenerife, Canary Islands to spend just about a week looking at the stars… My roommate and I were on the trip and it was an incredible time! Although we lost about 2 nights due to bad weather we were still able to see a ton of things. This group was so dynamic and worked extremely well together and because of these efforts we were able to discover (as far as these trips are concerned) the planets of Neptune, for the 3rd time ever, as well as Uranus for the 1st time ever!!!! It was such an incredible feeling throughout the class because it helped us really understand what we were learning about. Professor Raul de la Fuente Marcos came along with us, as usual and on top of that, this year we had a special guest…Dr. W. Johnson, Chair of the Physics Department for Suffolk. I honestly believe that we all had a fabulous time and learned quite a bit of information…now to get the log reports done…..

¡Hasta Luego!


Wow how time is flying by…it seems like the semester just started and it’s already October. First off, my apologies for the long delay, I’ve been so busy that I completely forgot to publish all of my writing…
This year for our Orientation trip we went to Salamanca again, considering that we had already been there, some of the returning students feared that it was going to be boring and quite repetitive, however the campus outdid themselves and added a bunch of new activities. What I felt, as well as most, is that the activities this semester were more orientation-like giving us the opportunity to meet new people quickly. We also made some historic visits throughout the city, visiting the cathedral, the Universidad de Salamanca (the oldest university in Spain), as well as had a walking tour around the quaint city of Salamanca. One day trip was to a farm where we were able to ride horses, go swimming in the pool and learn a little bit about Bull Fighting. All in all I think the trip went quite smoothly and I can’t wait to see what the Spring Orientation brings us.

¡Hasta Luego!