Hey Guys,
Sorry for the long delay, it has been very hectic with finals, the closing ceremony, traveling back to the states, and starting my summer classes and work again! Anyways the closing ceremony was held at San Pablo CEU and everyone got an acknowledgment for having studied at the campus, whether you were there one semester or four semesters. Then we all traveled on buses to a nice place in Galapagar (a city just north of Madrid) where we had a very nice dinner and dance. It was a nice way to get to see everyone one last time before we all parted our separate ways for the summer. Then I packed up all of my things and traveled home. Upon arrival it was nice to see my family again because I hadn't seen them for a few months. I started work again and also am taking two classes at the Suffolk Boston campus which is nice so that I can get use to the campus and start to know my way around for when I decide to return to finish my studies. I hope all is well with you and that you have a great summer!
Talk to you soon, but for now..
Hasta Luego!