Wow how time is flying by! Sorry I have been away for a while, but I am back in action for the rest of the semester and cannot wait to tell you all about the past few weeks! First off lets jump back to the beginning of April…Semana Santa (Holy Week – Spring Break) where I traveled outside of the city with two of my good friends, Alyson & Simon. Together we traveled to Palma Mallorca for a few days; there we spent some time on the beach as well as exploring the island. We were able to experience a different part of Spanish culture which was good because it showed us that not all parts of the country felt the same way about certain things. While on the island we rented scooters, quads, and dune buggies and were able to travel a little bit around the island where we visited, Cali Pi, a nice little town on the South East side of the island. In Cali Pi there was a beautiful cove and spectacular views. Then after Palma Mallorca, we traveled on to Hamburg, Germany. This was a nice experience because it was the first time that all of us had traveled there before. Upon arrival we immediately got hold of the culture and had a blast. Out of all of the places that we traveled to on Spring Break; Hamburg was our favorite by far! Near our hotel there was a carnival which we spent some time at so that we could have some fun, but after that we traveled to various parts of the city so that we could see as much as we could. Hamburg was filled with statues to coincide with its incredible history. There were ruins from World War II all around the city, which nowadays are used as memorials for those people who have lost their lives during the war. We took a walking tour of the city and saw how huge of a port city Hamburg was as well as its historic buildings that are still standing today. After Hamburg we traveled to Stockholm, Sweden. This was incredible considering that it was the farthest north that we had ever been. The temperature was amazing and the city was very quaint because it was situated on several different canals. In Stockholm they use a currency other than the Euro so we were able to have that experience as well. While there we saw the Royal Palace, Town Hall (the building where the annual Nobel Peace Prize Banquette is held), Museums, and the old part of the city. Finally after Stockholm we traveled to Milan, Italy where we were able to spend Easter. The city was on the small side, yet it was filled with sites to see such as: Il Duomo (an enormous cathedral), the castle, the last supper (a painting), as well as the centralized areas of the city. Although almost all shops were closed because of the Easter holiday we still had a great time and enjoyed it a lot.
¡Hasta Luego!